Our Management Team

Our Values


 We strive to deliver a proactive customer service.


Be courteous in dealings with all our stakeholders.

Excellence and Quality

We provide a potable, quality water supply and a professional service to our consumers.


Build a trustworthy relationship with our consumers.

Meet the Management Team

General Manager

Mr Jean Gaetan ARMOOGUM

Deputy General Manager (Administration)

Mr Chandrasen MATADEEN

Deputy General Manager (Technical)​

Mr Madhoochandra LOBIND

Chief Engineer (PMO)

Mr Mitradev LOBIND

Chief Engineer (WTP)

Mr Sewkumarsing DINASSING

Chief Engineer (WR/OSS)


Chief Engineer (PMO)

Mr Outtum ISSUR

Chief Financial Officer

Mr Ramakrishna NEELAYYA

Manager Commercial Services/ Administrative Manager/ Zone Manager(South)

Mr Prithiviraj KISSOON

Deputy Manager Commercial Services

Mrs Khamelee Aubeeluck

Ag. Human Resource Management Officer

Mr. Mohammad Sabir Rahiman

Chief Internal Auditor

Dr. Beebee Nazima Bhaukaurally

Manager Procurement and Supply​

Mrs Arpana Devi Ramkissoon-Balnac

IT Manager

Mr Poorunduth GOPAL

PR / Communication Coordinator


Head of Customer Experience

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