My Applications

New Supply
When a person applies for a new water connection
Owner Tenant Non Domestic Supply
Documents Required:
- Title Deed
- ID Card
- 2 Approved Site Plans
Meter Test
If a consumer is dissatisfied with the functioning of his meter, he/she can apply for a meter test. An application has to be made at any CWA Customer Care Centre or online.
Documents Required:
- ID Card
- BRN (non Domestic Supply)
- Water Bill
- Testing Fee of Rs. 500 (Domestic Supply)
- letter of Authorisation (Tenant)
- Rent Book (Tenant)
- Testing Fee of Rs. 1000 (non Domestic Supply)

Number of Living Quarters
Living Quarter is a separate living space for domestic use or tenancy
In order to review or change the number of living quarters a request/application has to be made at any CWA Customer Care Centres or online.
Documents Required:
- ID Card
- Water Bill
Shifting of Main
Shifting of Tapping occurs when a consumer is having a poor water supply or no water at his premises
In this respect an application has to be made at any CWA Customer Care Centres or online to shift the tapping to a different existing main. A shifting on main fee of Rs 2750 has to be paid and all arrears have to be cleared before any application.
Documents Required:
- ID Card
- Water Bill
- BRN (non Domestic Supply)

Discontinuation of Supply
A request can be put in to temporarily stop the water supply at any of your premises
An application can be done at any CWA Customer Care Centre or Online. All arrears have to be cleared before any application.
Documents Required:
- ID Card
- Water Bill
- BRN (Non Domestic Supply)
Transfer of Name
When a property changes ownership and new owner wants to have the existing supply in his name
Documents Required:
- ID Card
- Water Bill
- Title Deed (Owner of property)
- Rent Book / Lease Agreement (tenant)
- Site Plan
- Deed of Company (Non Domestic)
- Daily Water Requirement (Non Domestic)

Change in Category of Supply
Change in Category of Supply means the mode of use of the water supply has changed
For instance, from Domestic to Business or vice-versa. An application to change your category of supply can be made at any CWA Customer Care Centres or online.
Documents Required:
- ID Card
- BRN (Non Domestic Supply)
- Water Bill
Enlargement of Tapping
If a consumer applies for a bigger water connection on CWA main the following documents will be required and an application for an enlargement of tapping can be made at any CWA Customer Care Centres or online.
Documents Required:
- ID Card
- Water Bill
- Water Demand
- Site Plan
- BRN number (Non Domestic Supply)
- A letter of Authorisation (Non Domestic Supply)

Re-Opening of Supply
To reconnect a water supply which has been disconnected either for non-payment or on request an application has to be made at any CWA Customer Care Centres or online.
Documents Required:
- ID Card
- BRN (Non Domestic Supply)
- Water Demand
- Water Bill
- Reopening Fee of Rs. 550 (Domestic Supply)
- Reopening Fee of Rs. 1750 (Non Domestic Supply)