Board of Directors Mr. PEETUMBER ManeswarChairman Mr. KISTOMOHUN YasdevRepresentative of Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities Mr. JAHAJEEAH Doumeraj Alternate Member - Representative of Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities Mr. RAMDHANY AjayRepresentative of Ministry of Finance Ms. SEN GOPAL NirvasheeAlternate Member - Representative of Ministry of Finance Mr. GUNPUTH Khindev Representative of Ministry of Labour and Industrial Relations Mr. DILMOHAMED Mohamad Reza Alternate Member - Representative of Ministry of Labour and Industrial Relations Mr. DINDYAL SunjeevsingAppointed by the Hon. Minister Mr. ACHARAUZ FerozeAppointed by the Hon. Minister Mr. Ahsish Kumar NILAMBER Chairman, CWB wef 27.08.2020 Mrs. Bhooneshwari KISSOON - LUCKPUTTYA Alternate Representative of MEPU Mr. Amrita Devi GOINDEN Alternate